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Vote for Issue 2 - For Senior Transportation & Job Access

Issue 2 is NOT a property tax - It supports seniors, people with disabilities and

Lake County employers getting people to work.​​

Facts on Issue 2

​Lake County residents rely on Laketran over 2,500 times a day meaning 750,000 times a year and over half of those trips are provided to seniors or people with disabilities.

Over 60% of Laketran trips take people to work or school.

Laketran’s Dial-a-Ride ridership has grown 18% since 2015 and Lake County’s senior population continues to grow. Today nearly 25% of the county’s population is 60 years and older and by 2030, 34% of Lake County will be 60 years and older.

Meanwhile, Laketran is operating on its original tax levy from 1988 and has not returned to the voters for new money in over 30 years. That sales tax accounts for 65% of the budget.

Meanwhile, state and local funding continues to decline- including losing $800,000 from the state in 2019 alone.

Laketran is proposing a new ¼ of 1% sales tax. Every time you spend $100 in taxable goods in Lake County, Laketran will receive 25 cents. Issue 2 is not a property tax.

The sales tax levy will allow Laketran to meet the growing demand for accessible transportation for seniors, veterans and people with disabilities, as well as improve service to job corridors.

To reduce expenses:

  • Laketran is transitioning its Dial-a-Ride fleet from diesel to propane resulting in a 35% fuel savings and is replacing buses with accessible vans.
  • Laketran joined a healthcare consortium saving over $250,000 annually in healthcare expenses.
  • Laketran partners with other regional transit systems to reduce costs on purchases such as technology, fuel, insurance, and capital purchases.

Without this levy, Laketran will have to cut 30% of services denying seniors, veterans and people with disabilities access to critical medical appointments, jobs, or the ability to live independently.

Over 75% of the new levy funds will be used to sustain Dial-a-Ride service while remaining funds will expand routes to improve job access.

Laketran has been serving Lake County for 45 years and the sales tax is critical to maintaining the services our community needs to keep access to jobs, healthcare and the community.


Paid for by: Friends of Laketran Chuck Zibbel, Treasurer 11311 S. Forest Drive, Concord, OH 44077